It’s been 13 years since I started player development training and 8 years under John Harris Basketball, and now Wings Basketball Academy in 2023. I’m grateful for the past five years of serving the Low Country.

It’s crazy how fast time flies; the last decade has been an incredible journey, both professionally and personally. One thing that remains the same...God is faithful!!

He’s the reason I’m able to serve my students.  Each day I learn a little more about how to get my students to improve on all fronts. There’s beauty in approaching each student differently.

I get joy out of teaching accurate information, seeing the student comprehend the information, and then implementing it. My approach is to master the skill before moving on. Mastering the skill goes hand in hand with hours of  “homework” to master each skill. 

At “His House,” we pick the concepts for you to work on based on our experience and intense study. Over the last 6 years, I have taken several trips to study high school teams, college programs, and NBA player development nuances to advance my knowledge of the ins and outs of the game and, in particular, player development for each player’s level.

I have developed a wealth of knowledge to help you improve and implement it into game scenarios!

Athletic Highlights

  • AAU basketball for Atlanta Celtics and Georgia Stars.

  • One year of JUCO basketball

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his house

INSPIRING STRENGTH and BUILDING community through innnovative basketball training